Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Special Treat

Well, here it is - our 1 year anniversary of Emerson’s diagnosis. So far it has gone much like the previous 364 days, but we decided to change it up with a special treat. We have kept Emerson on a pretty healthy diet over the last year, except for the occasional birthday party or rare splurge. We do usually allow her to have a small, not so healthy treat on Fridays. Today isn’t a party or a Friday but we surprised her with a trip to Dairy Queen to commemorate this day. Why Dairy Queen? Their menu, including nutritional information is available online, making for easy pre-planning!


  1. A special treat for a very SPECIAL little girl.

  2. My daughter was dxd on 3/10/13, but we attended a 6th diaversary for her friend this week. We were matched up through the JDRF, and it has meant so much to my daughter to have a Diabuddy. It's great to celebrate another year of beating diabetes, it's hard work band should be acknowledged!
